
Wikis! [Thing #16]

Okay, allow me to start off by saying this: I LOVE WIKIPEDIA. End of story.

"A wiki is a collaborative website and authoring tool that allows users to easily add, remove and edit content"

Now, I have heard people complain about Wikipedia for just this reason, that anyone could go in and edit entries, which makes everything less credible. Okay, I'll take that. I think the reason why I love Wikipedia so much though is because it contains information on just about anything you could possibly think of. Seriously. You could type in something as trivial as 'Internets', and you will get an in depth description of anything you could possibly want to know from the origin to everyday use! Now, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't use Wikipedia to sit down and write my history paper [that's what Phil's for! ; ) ], but it is a very quick and easy resource if you need to look something up. Maybe you need to quickly find out how old Brett Favre is? This is the kind of stuff I use Wikipedia for, and I love it!



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